Last updated: April 25, 2005
2005 National Dna Day Online Chatroom Transcript
2005 National DNA Day Online Chatroom Transcript
This is an archive of the the National DNA Day Moderated Chat held April 25th, 2005. NHGRI Director Francis Collins and genomics experts from across the institute took questions from students, teachers and the general public on topics ranging from basic genomic research, to the genetic basis of disease, to ethical questions about genetic privacy.
Welcome to the online chat for DNA Day 2005! Experts from the National Human Genome Research Institute are here and ready to take your questions. The chatroom is open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Eastern and we're going to try to answer as many of your questions as time allows. So, get busy and start sending them in! Joining us now are Vence Bonham, J.D. Chief of the Education and Community Involvement Branch and Associate Investigator in the Social Behavioral Research Branch; and Belen Hurle, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Genome Technology Branch and Science Educator, Education and Community Involvement Branch. |
5134 | Are there any specific variations in the human genome that can be attributed to differences between the races? Will some of these variations help to develop individualized therapies?
5135 | How does methylation of DNA occur and what does it do to protect DNA from being cleaved?
5136 | Does every living thing have DNA?
5137 | What happens on national DNA Day?
5138 | Should scientists/corporations have the right to patent genes? What impact does/will this have on genetic research?
5139 | Are there special enzymes that unwind/transcribe mitochondrial DNA, as compared to enzymes that help transcribe cellular DNA?
5140 | Do stem cells have the same genome as other cells?
5141 | Have there been certain genetic trends found in people of certain race and ethnic backgrounds?
5142 | wat year was nucleic acid discovered?
5143 | What are restriction enzymes and how are they used in genetic engineering?
5144 | Is it possible that later on in the future we will be able to change the way our children look and act?
5145 | How close are we to cloning, do you think it will really happen?
5146 | How does mustard gas remove guanine from DNA?
5147 | What should our class do for DNA day?
5148 | Would you personally consider tweaking your own child's genome in order to create a better, healthier outcome?
5149 | Are other forms of life possible without DNA? (Assuming life has metabolic activity and reproduction)
5150 | If identical twins have the exact same DNA, then what accounts for their differences in intelligence, sexual orientation, etc.?
5151 | Attn: Vence Bonham, What does J.D. stand for?
Joining us now is Larry Thompson, M.S., M.F.A., chief of the Communications and Public Liaison Branch. |
5153 | How long have you been working on the genome project?
5154 | Why is DNA not always double stranded?
5155 | What would happen if half of your introns were removed?
5156 | What role do you see genetic engineering playing in our everyday lives 10, 25, 50 years into the future?
5157 | When was DNA Day originated, and who came up with it?
5158 | How do exonucleases repair DNA in replication
5159 | Do you see stems cells as the wave of the future?
5160 | What's your favorite chromosome?
5161 | What careers are there in this field?
5162 | What is the possibility of a human proteome project?
5163 | Will genetic therapies, as they develop, be made (realistically) available to the public or will they be too expensive for most to afford?
5164 | According to the DNA code, what organism is our closest relative?
5165 | How can twins DNA be exactly the same, yet be so different?
5166 | how old are you people
5167 | Is there current plans to study other animals' genomes?
5168 | How can the Human Genome Project be applied to identifying and treating genetic disorders?
5169 | As an upcoming college student I am preparing for a career in biology and genetics. What kind of training is required to become a genetic researcher or a genetic councilor?
5170 | is spider man in any way possible?
5171 | How do you actually see the genome?
5172 | Why is DNA so cool?
5173 | I'm spanish, and I don't control english very good. May be somebody speaks spanish...Me podriais hablar acerca de los futuros projectos q teneis previstos sobre ADN?
5174 | What new developing modes of therapy and/or medicines do you find most exciting and most realistic?
5175 | How exactly was DNA discovered? What had to be done to find out the sequence?
5176 | Whose DNA was used to sequence the human genome?
5177 | What areas of genetic research would you advise interested students to keep a watchful eye on, to pursue in their studies? What would you tell them to concentrate on in college and what should they tell their parents they're planning on doing?
5178 | Can genes determine if someone is going to be a killer?
5179 | Why are there such differing views among scientists that gene therapy or stem cells could cure Alzheimer's disease? How can these opposing views be tested safely?
5180 | is human DNA more complex than all or any other organism's DNA
5181 | When you have sex is dna transfered in any way?
5182 | How long will it be until we know the function of introns, and what do you predict their function will be?
5183 | Is protein folding a topic to be addressed by the HGP? How so?
5184 | Is there any rhyme or reason to naming the four chemical bases?
5185 | How do scientists search for genes associated with certain human behaviors, (eating disorders, addiction, depression, attention deficit disorders, autism)?
5186 | Is there any part of your body that cannot be examined for DNA?
5187 | how does DNA tie into a career in forensic toxicology ?
5188 | What made you so interested in science?
5189 | What are somethings to expect as far as educating the public about genetics in the future?
5190 | Can we see DNA.
5191 | what is DNA?
5192 | what is DNAs main job and why?
5193 | We're 99.9% similar with each other. How can DNA change how we look with only .1% difference?
5194 | How has awareness of various influences acting on the human genome, transposons, pseudogenes, repeat sequences, introns and intergenic DNA, epigenetic markers etc, influenced the direction of current genomic research?
5195 | Could genetic technology be used to create super-athletes?
5196 | what's the difference between DNA and RNA?
5197 | What are the positive and negative social implications of genomic discoveries?
5198 | What is the Human Genome?
5199 | How would the various promoter sequences affect the genes of the human genome? Would they provide the same type of gene regulation the prokaryotic promoters do?
5200 | how did you find the double helix in DNA?
As you can see, we have with us now Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director; Bob Nussbaum, M.D., Chief of the Genetic Disease Research Branch; and Kim Kaphingst, Sc.D., Investigator in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch; and Kris Wetterstrand, M.S., Program Analyst in the Division of Extramural Research. |
5202 | How can genes program thoughts? (i.e., instincts, such as sexual preferences, or how cats know how to pounce on a mouse, whereas dogs are born knowing different things)
5203 | How is dna tested?
5204 | Are favorite foods or behaviors genetically determined?
5205 | Since DNA is structured to prevent mutations or modifications, how does the study of DNA support the theory of evolution?
5206 | What are the prospects for a career in the field of gene therapy research?
5207 | What kinds of genes does mitochondrial DNA contain? Could we survive without them?
5208 | How many years of education do you need to go into this field?
5209 | In the future, will it be possible for HUMANS to transform into other animals via genetic engineering?
5210 | Have you used any PCR in your research? Just wondering because we have.
5211 | What in your current research will be most important to future research?
5212 | Why is it so difficult to locate disorders in genes now that the human DNA has been totally decoded?
5213 | How many people have the same DNA?
Joining us soon will be Jean McEwen, J.D., Ph.D., Program Director of the Ethical, Legal an d Social Implications Program and the International HapMap Project; and Heidi Parker, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the Cancer Genetics Branch. Heidi works with Elaine Ostrander to compare the dog genome to the human genome in an effort to answer questions about disease in both dogs and humans. |
5215 | How long do you think it will take to be able to save lives by fixing the DNA?
5216 | Why are gorrillas so close to humans and why are they so cool?
5217 | Do medicines actually correct a misspelling in the genome, or do they simply aid to the affects of the diseases through another method?
5218 | Is there an evil gene?
5219 | What is an interesting unknown fact about DNA?
5220 | How would they go in and change the sequence of DNA so diabilitating diseases weren't present in the human fetus?
5221 | Does our DNA change as we age because of viruses we might acquire in our lifetime?
5222 | What is a plasmid?
5224 | How long is DNA viable for identification or experimentation in any sort of preserved state like cryogenic freezing or the like?
5225 | How does the cell distinguish between the exons and introns in the DNA when creating mRNA?
5226 | When I have a child when I get older, will my child recieve most of my "husband's" traits?
Joining us now is Donna Krasnewich, M.D., Ph.D., Deputy Clinical Director and Investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch. And just a reminder, this is a moderated chat so you can NOT chat among yourselves, only with the experts. Thanks! |
5228 | if twins have the exact same DNA, if one is a suspect in a murder case how could you determine which one comitted the crime using genetics?
5229 | How can the chihuahua belong to the same species as the great dane?
5230 | How might RNA's antisense abilities support the hypothesis that RNA was the original hereditary material?
5231 | Is any one chromosome more susceptable to mutation than the others in human beings?
5232 | Has a human been cloned yet? Our clas is wondering what the latest news is? Thanks.
5233 | Is there a hypothesis theorizing if chloroplasts were once their own separate cells and how they became part of plant cells?
5234 | My dog Bear looks different then his brother Colby? Why does this occur and do genetic mutations on the #22 chromosome cause this?
5235 | What is gene therapy?
5236 | Is it true that, in the future, everyone will have to get an DNA test when they are first born?
5237 | what is genetics
5238 | What possible restrictions on health care and insurance will we see in the near future as a consequence to DNA mapping?
5239 | Could paralysis be caused by some misspelling of DNA?
5240 | Are twins identical genetically?
5241 | How similar are the dog and human genome (to what degree)?
Joining us now is Colleen McBride, Ph.D., Chief of the Social and Behavioral Research Branch. Her research involves developing new ways to promote changes in people's behavior in ways that will lower their risk of developing certain diseases. |
5243 | I'm currently researching Asperger Syndrome for a genetic disorder and I was wondering if there was a chromosome mutation causing it.
5244 | why do older dogs tend to develope moles and sometimes even tumors?
5245 | Do you think cloning humans will ever be legal in the United States?
5246 | how different is my dog and my chromosomes
5247 | I feel that some of the genetic technologies are beneficial, but we as people are getting a little outrageous. I feel that some of these decisions should be made only for medical attention. We are playing with people's lives. Do you think there is a need for god?
5248 | what organism has the most chromosomes?
5249 | How can someone who has never met their parents trace back their DNA to find out who their parents are?
5250 | Could you please explain ELSI?
5251 | Why do some scientists call centromeres the "black holes" of chromosomes and what is their function?
5252 | What are some the future projects that will branch off of the HGP?
5253 | What tests did you do to find out DNA is six feet long?
5254 | Would it ever be possible for a doctor to literally change someone's DNA in order to cure genetic diseases?
5255 | How can pet owners prevent their dogs from having cancer?
5256 | Are any breeds of dogs more similar as far as DNA to humans then other breeds?
5257 | Are there genes for violent behavior?
5258 | Would you spend the money to save your own child's umbilical cord stem cells as a future insurance policy?
5259 | why does that kid keep asking about his dog?
5260 | We've just read about Alu repeats, a major class of SINEs. Our information states that each repeat is about 300 bases long and comprise about 2 - 3% of the genome & are increasing. Do you know what they do yet? At what rate are they increasing? How will that impact our genome?
5261 | Is it possible to steal peoples DNA?
Joining us now is John Hodges, M.S., a Scientific Program Analyst in the Division of Extramural Research. He is working with the Knockout Mouse Project and the Minority Action Plan. |
5263 | i remeber reading about a family who had their older dog cloned so they could still have that dog after it passed away. Would these clones just look the same or would they have the same personality as well?
5264 | Are their any chemicals that can alter your DNA?
5265 | Why did you choose April 25 as DNA Day?
Joining us now is Don Hadley, M.S., C.G.C.. He's an Investigator in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch. |
5267 | Does every mammal have the same DNA?
5268 | If you know the sequence of DNA of a gene that causes a disease, how does that help in the creation of a treatment for the disease?
5269 | Is there any current research pertaining to a bacteria genome and antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance?
And we have one more expert joining us now. Jean Jenkins, R.N., Ph.D., is a Senior Clinical Advisor in the Office of the Director. |
5271 | so far what's happened in the knockout mouse project?
5272 | How important to the medical field is protein folding?
5273 | If we inherit mitochondria from our mother, shouldn't we have the same metabolism as our mother?
5274 | How do genes create complex shapes? (Such as bones or the circulatory system)
5275 | When do you expect the Genome project to be complete?
5276 | Does DNA affect ear wax color?
5277 | Do you ever get tired of working in a lab with things that are smaller then you can see without a microscope?
5278 | When diagnosing behavioral "disorders" isn't it somewhat misleading to call these disease? How much of a continuum exists in terms of the severity of behavioral disorders?
5279 | Is there genetic information in tumors?
5280 | Is it ever possible for two people or organisms unrelated, to have to same dna coinccedentally?
5281 | Can scientists use DNA to bring back the dinosaurs?
5282 | Why is DNA damaged by ultraviolet rays?
5283 | Is being albino caused from a mutation? if so why does this mutation seemingly occur so often?
5285 | Are their any ways to prevent genetic diseases before a baby is born?
5286 | Is there a genetic path to finding a cure for AIDS?
5287 | What is the Knockout Mouse Project and the Minority Plan?
5288 | Why do mature red blood cells and the cells of the lense of the eye not have DNA?
5289 | Does DNA affect the size of your body and how?
5290 | Is being a midget hereditary?
5291 | If I was interested in studying Biology in college, and possibly become a biologist, what might be the best way to experience the field, hands on, as a high school student?
5292 | Is the cheek Swab test a possibility or merely hypothetical?
5293 | Is it possible to take apart DNA and rearrange it to form a different gene?
5294 | How do scientists go about searching for genes associated with certain human behaviors? Do these behavioral genetics studies hold any water with the molecular biologists? Would you consider these really separate disiplines or are they examples of any serious research efforts with an intergrated approach?
5295 | How does reverse transcriptase work? Why is it necessary in cells?
Joining us now is Vivian Ota Wang, Ph.D., Program Director in the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Program. |
5297 | Is there DNA present in your body after you die?
5298 | How does one create a genetic map?
5299 | Is RNA generated during transcription from the DNA, or is there a molecule already present that receives the copy of the DNA and thus becomes mRNA?
5300 | Can you trace Autism or other mental illnesses within family bloodlines?
5301 | Does the two parts of a DNA helix always go in a specific direction? (a start and a finish, spinning in a clockwise or counterclockwise pattern?)
5302 | Are identical twins DNA still identical when they are 90 years old, 40, 20, 10?
5303 | Do you work in collaboration with scientists from other fields?
Joining us now is Holly Peay, M.S., C.G.C., Associate Director of the Genetic Counseling Training Program. She works with psychiatric genetic counseling. |
5321 | What is the structural feature that allows DNA to self-replicate?
5322 | What academic path would advise a student who is interested in genetic counseling to take in college?
5323 | Is depression hereditary?
We are back up and running after a brief technical problem. Thank you for your patience! Please start asking questions again. |
5325 | Can your DNA predetermine whether you will have musical talent or not?
5326 | What kinds of DNA are there?
5327 | Do co-joined twins have the exact same DNA? If not, how do they differ?
5328 | Are there certain regions or cultures that do or do not support this type of research more than others?
5329 | In order for DNA to be transcribed, RNA polymerase typically combines with a series of protein promoters, allowing it to latch on to a gene sequence. How are the promoters themselves transcribed?
5330 | Do genetics have anything to do with the type of people we fall in love with?
5331 | Since twin studies form the basis of research on behavioral genetics - would it be worthwhile looking at twins for differences in numbers of repeat sequences, epigenetic markers, etc. that may lead to underlying factors of behavioral 'disorders'and a better understanding of the so-called "alternative genome?"
5332 | Are there ways to screen for Tay Sachs Disease?
5333 | After you look in a microscope for a long time, does everything around you look strange?
Right now, we have with us Nate Sutter, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the Cancer Genetics Branch. He works with Elaine Ostrander comparing the dog genome to the human genome in an effort to answer questions about disease in both dogs and humans. |
5335 | I want to be a genetic counselor. What classes should I take in high school, what will my typical work day look like, how much money will I make to start, how much post high school education do I need?
5336 | Are you guys being provided with good food for this occasion?
Joining us shortly will be Sara Hull, Ph.D. She is Director of Bioethics Core in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch. |
5338 | WHat kinds of activities concerning genes can I do with my class.
5339 | I know DNA is small, but how small?
5340 | To what extent is homosexuality related to genetics factors?
5341 | Why is it some kids dont have the same eye, or hair color as either of their parents?
Joining us is Aideen McInerney, M.S., a genetic counselor in the Inborn Errors and Cell Biology Section of the Genetic Disease Research Branch |
5343 | Is panic disorder hereditary?
Joining us now is Sarah Anzick, Ph.D., a research scientist in the Cancer Genetics Branch. |
5345 | I am doing a biology project and I cant seem to find an organism that belongs to the Phylum Porifera. Can you please tell me a good organism that I can get a lot of research from?
5346 | How does Spectral Karyotyping work if there are millions of DNA sequences....?
5347 | Do you think scientists should have the right to patent genes? W hat impact would no patents have on the genetic research front?
5348 | Why have Cat genome experiments just started?
5349 | Is being overweight something that is carried through generations in DNA, or could an obese couple produce an average sized child?
5350 | How does a disease like Tay Sachs continue in a hereditary line if it kills everyone who gets it?
A number of students have been asking "What is DNA." That question already has been asked. Please use the find function to search the chat window for the answer. |
5352 | How are the names for genes created?
5353 | Why is Biology so important in middle school?
5354 | where is the DNA in your body?
5355 | Can our DNA predispose us to skin cancer, or is this entirely based on the environment?
5356 | Do you think our society will ever become like the movie GATTACA?
5357 | Why is this dna day?
5358 | GeA broadcast of 'Dateline' explained a recent breakthrough in gene therapy regarding Alzheimer's disease. A study concluded that by using a patient's own skin cells, they can be cultured and turned into human growth factors that once implanted into the patient's brain will slow the progession of memory loss and confusion. How else can gene therapy be used to help patients with Alzheimer's? Are there solutions that are likely to develop from the information from the human genome project?
5359 | In the next decade or two, I see DNA testing becoming a major national controversy. Do you think our government will ban it?
5360 | How fast does DNA replicate?
5361 | Recent studies have shown that there could be a possible link between depression and the mutation of the gene 5-HTT. How valid do you think this research is?
5362 | Where will the human genome research be in 50 years and how will it impact us?
5363 | What is a karyotype?
5364 | In all of the videos that we've watched in class there are many machines that have "de-coded' DNA. What exactly do the machines do? What process do they go through?
5365 | What are some of the ethical issues you face as a scientist?
5366 | Is metabolism hereditary?
5368 | What sort of work is actually being done with the DNA sequences (specific projects, etc.)?
5369 | What is messenger RNA?
5370 | Is hypochondria genetically caused?
5371 | With our knowledge of DNA, will it someday be possible to elminate diseases altogether? Can we use this knowledge to prevent people from getting viruses and infections too?
5372 | Why is it so hard to find out what certain genes do?
5373 | As a scientist are you too busy to have a lot of time for yourself or for your family?
Joining us now is Phyllis Frosst, Ph.D., Science Policy Analyst in the Policy and Program Analysis Branch. |
5375 | How often does DNA split and make copies of eachother?
5376 | What exaclty is Down syndrome and can it be prevented?
5377 | How would the Human Genome Project benefit adopted people?
5378 | What current legislation is there to protect an individual against genetic discrimination in the workplace, insurance, etc.
5379 | Has there been any advancement in the use of vectors in gene therapy? i had heard there were significant problems with vector use.
5380 | The final gene count for humans, though still not known precisely, is lower than initially assumed. What are the prevailing theories as to why this might be so?
5381 | In your opinion, what should I focus on as a middle school teacher to best help my students understand the future implications of the human genome project?
Joining us now is Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute and the leader of the now-completed Human Genome Project. |
5383 | What is a genome? I dont understand it.
5384 | How does the Human Genome Project benefit Genetic Counselors?
5385 | What made you want to get into genetics?
5386 | what is the best way to get hands on field work while in high school to prepare for a future career in biology
5387 | How did you get to be the head of the Human Genome Project?
5388 | How are diseases formed on the strands of DNA?
5389 | How do evolutionists explain different numbers of chromosomes in different organisms if all organisms originated from a single organism?
5390 | What has been learned from the knockout mouse program?
5391 | With regards to Tim's questions, my Scholars were confused because in their research of the NIH website, they found a reading that said there is the HIPAA legislation to protect us from genetic discrimination in insurance and that 31 states had passed legislation to protect individuals in the workplace. They were wondering if the legislation is lacking in any real consequences for discrimination. Thanks!
5392 | How much does a genome weigh?
5393 | What is your favorite gene and why?
5394 | I have a sister and a brother who were diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis within one year of each other. Are we close to identifying a gene for Multiple Sclerosis?
5395 | With "over-the-counter" DNA testing becoming more available, is NIH currently supporting any additional anti-discrimination legislation?
5396 | what is the weirdest thing you've ever seen while studying genes?
5397 | What made you want to have DNA day?
5398 | How is it possible to use barely any remains of blood to figure out who a person is?
5400 | Do you think that the Human Genome Project will be beneficial to our society?
5401 | Where does your funding come from?
5402 | Can your DNA un-mutate?
5403 | The final gene count for humans, though still not known precisely, is lower than initially assumed. What are the prevailing theories as to why this might be so?
5404 | What gene afflicts people with Parkinson's disease?
5405 | Do you think insurance companies should be able to request someone's genetic information before accepting someone as a customer?
5406 | How are siRNA's being used in gene therapy? What is the future of using viruses as vectors of genetic manipulation in gene therapy?
5407 | What is a picogram?
5408 | Is it possible that someone who is subjected to genetic testing could in any way injured or disabled because of the genetic tests?
5409 | What race has the most problems with DNA?
5410 | Why do some genetic traits seem to skip generations?
5411 | What do you know about the Huntington's Disease gene?
5413 | Do believe what you are doing (maniuplating the human body/DNA) is morally correct? Why?
5414 | How do cancer cells differ from regular cells?
5415 | Are humans still evolving?
5416 | Assuming you believe in evolution and many other scientific theories, do you hold any sort of religious faith?
5417 | What are the chances for getting cancer if a a their parents acquire cancer during their middle age?
5418 | How signficant is the environment in the expression of certain characteristics? Can we regulate the expression by adapting our behaviors or will genetics always prevail?
5420 | How are teachers involved in the human genome project??
5421 | What happens if DNA is exposed to radiation?
5422 | Do animals pass down the same genetic information like humans do?
5423 | Is it possible for a mother to have more than two identical offspring? (One egg dividing 4 or more times and each producing a baby?)
5424 | In the future, can all diseases be avoided?
5425 | New genetic technology has advanced science on all fronts, including weapons technology. What new concerns do genetics bring to the world of biological warfare?
5426 | how does evolution tie in to genomes
5428 | What is your opinion on the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2005, also called S.306?
5429 | Do identical twins have the exact same DNA structure??
5430 | is the ability to move only ONE eyebrow genetic?
5431 | If one letter in a pair is wrong, can that really mess up a child mentally and physcially?
5432 | how many genomes are in one cell?
5433 | What do you think about evolution?
5434 | Are there many career opportunities in the genetics field? Other than being a genetic counselor, what else is there? Are there many jobs, besides a lab technician, for someone who just has just a bachlor's degree?
5435 | Is asthma hereditary?
5436 | I am a graduate student interning at Ben Logan HS and our science department stresses biotechnology, where the students have the opportunity to do trransformations, PCR and other procedures that many students do not get to do until College. We have a number of students do independent research in various aspect of genetics, such as antibiotic resistance. What universities would you recommend to these students and where would you refer them for scholarship information? Thanks!
5437 | How close are researchers to curing diabetes and do you think it will be the result of gene therapy?
5438 | Can you explain the cell cycles that DNA goes through?
5439 | I am an exchange student from Kenya. How does the DNA of people in the United States differ from those in Kenya?
5440 | Why are some babies born with a birth defect?
5441 | Do you know any songs about DNA, if so, how does it go?
5442 | We viewed the movie Lorenzo's Oil and became interested in ALD. What new developments are there with myelin restoration? Are there any genetic engineering possibilities?
5443 | Are emotional characteristics genetically inherited?
Francis Collins, the NHGRI director, has now left the chat room. |
5445 | What is the genetic difference between a rat and a mouse?
5446 | What is the procedure for finding out if you have a genetic disorder?
5447 | If my mom had twins will it skip me?
5448 | What do you think the non-protein coding regions of DNA do?
5449 | What is the highest number of chromosomes ever found in a human?
5450 | I am a student at LBW and I am researching the genome project.I am trying to "livin" it up. Do You have any suggestions.
5451 | I am always looking for good cute songs to teach my students. I've made up three of my own, but the Beatles one has me curious. How would I get a copy of it in its entirety?
5452 | how do the DNA chips detect things as small as dna and show them in visable light?
5453 | How long did you go to school to become a scientist?
5454 | Are tendencies to get addicted to drugs and alcohol inherited?
5455 | Why am I shorter than my parents ?
5456 | Are all of the genes of humans discovered?
5457 | How many different scientists worked on the Human Genome Project?
5458 | What are the possibilities that a person who has been cured of Leukemia might pass this disease on to his offspring?
5459 | Is evolution in your genes and not survival of the fittest?
5460 | Is sickle cell disease preventable?
5461 | Does DNA control everything in your boby and if so wouldnt it even control your emotions to a point?
5462 | How do viruses store information in RNA?
5463 | What is PKU?
5464 | Can twins have diffrent fathers?
Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., the Scientific Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute is back in the chat room. |
5466 | In 1994, Walter J. Gehring of the University of Basel, Switzerland, conducted an experiment in which he replaced the gene in a fruitfly that coded for eyes (the Eyeless gene) with that of a rat. Much to everyone's surprise, the fruitfly grew fruitfly eyes - not rat eyes. Could you please explain how this is possible?
5467 | What is a hemaphropodite?
5468 | What causes a resesive gene to overpower a dominat gene?
5469 | Will parents be able to choose their childrens' genes?
5470 | Assuming that you are a conjoined twin, and you share a same organ, would you have the same DNA or would they be separated? If so, how is it they don't alwys look the same?
5471 | can your grandparents have the same dna as you
5472 | Do pigs have similar dna as humans?
5473 | Are humans still evolving?
5474 | Do you think that in the future we'll be able to make artificial body parts such as hearts, livers, etc. for people to live on?
5475 | Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy DNA Day 2005!
5476 | Do you belive that moderen science will ever be able to allow you to choose your baby's DNA before they are born?
5477 | Why do some people have six fingers instead of five?
5478 | what is the major factor for cancer?
5479 | We would like to know how 3 codons turn into proteins?
Joy Boyer, the Senior Program Analyst for the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research Program, has just entered the chat room. |
5481 | How is DNA research helpful in disease prevention?
5482 | Increasingly children are being diagnosed with forms of ADD. What is the genetic basis for this disease? Can its source be traced to any specific part of the genome?
5483 | How much RNA is there compared to the amount of DNA in a cell?
5484 | How do you respond to criticisms of the Human Genome Project that it is associated with genetic determinism and cost a great deal of money that could have been better spent on public health?
5485 | With many advances in RNA research, the focus seems to be moving from DNA to RNA. Since we have not fully pursued DNA research yet, do you think that the scientific community is moving from one new topic to another too quickly without finishing older endeavors?
5486 | I have a friend who once told me he had two fused chromosomes. Is this a possibility, and he seemed normal, but can this cause defects?
5487 | Is Prune Belly Syndrome considered genetic?
5488 | What does DNA look like?
5489 | What is the liklihood of having easy access to stem cell therapy for treatment of heart disease?
5490 | How does one find his/her genetic heritage? I have seen people in India who have very fair skin and blue/green eyes as seen in europe and there are people who are very dark just like those from Africa. Centuries ago, we know that, people have travelled from different countries to India. Is there any database where public can find how they can trace their genes to see possibly their heritage? Which genes are considered in this process?
5491 | what are the chances the i will get high blood pressure if my mom has high blood pressure.
5492 | Does spongebob have DNA?
5493 | Don Hadley: What is the most intresting thing you have studied?
5494 | Are there more genomes than the human mapped out?
5495 | What's the relationship between the number of chromosomes found in various species? We noticed that corn has 20 chromsosmes, yet a chicken only has 18 chromsomes? What determines the number of chromosomes that an organism has? thanks!
5496 | What are the implications of the findings of the HGP, that we only have 20,000 genes? Where do our traits come from?
5497 | is it really possible for there to be someone else in the world to look just like you?
The DNA Day Chat Room is closed and we are no longer taking any questions. Thanks to all the teachers and students across the nation who participated in this entertaining and educational experience. We may post a few additional answers to questions already received and a transcript of all the questions and answers will be posted on this site. Happy DNA Day 2005. |
5499 | How have we found all the genes without knowing their functions and/or purpose?
5500 | How close in years are they to finding a cure for diabetes?
Posted: April 25, 2005