ELSI Strategic Planning Webinar: Appropriate Use & Implementation of Genomics in Diverse Communities
Event Details
At the time of this webinar, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) was undergoing a Strategic Planning process with the goal of publishing the final Strategic Plan in the fall of 2020. Over the previous year, the NHGRI held numerous related engagement events including town halls, meetings and workshops. NHGRI staff formed internal working groups tasked with identifying and describing ambitious challenges to address in the next decade of genomics. These draft challenges, which were informed by the feedback received, were meant to serve as potential building blocks for the final Strategic Plan.
The internal working group that focused on ELSI, engagement and education issues in the Strategic Plan hosted two distinct webinars to gather feedback on four potential challenges for the field of ELSI research over the next decade. The first webinar on June 28th, 2019 focused on two challenges related to the appropriate use and implementation of genomics in diverse communities.
The agenda and summary for the June 2019 ELSI Strategic Planning Webinar may be downloaded at the link below.
Brief Agenda
All times Eastern.
- 3:00 - 3:20 p.m. - Overview of the Strategic Planning Process and Feedback (20 minutes)
Dave Kaufman - 3:20 - 4:00 p.m. - Breakout Discussion 1: Ensure that genomics serves individuals, families, communities, and society, while recognizing the promise and limitations of genomics, and the social contexts it operates in (40 minutes)
Group A: Joy Boyer
Group B: Nicole Lockhart - 4:00 - 4:40 p.m. - Breakout Discussion 2: Promote equitable access to genomic technologies and recognize the enduring effects of societal inequities (40 minutes)
Group A: Carla Easter
Group B: Dave Kaufman - 4:40 - 5:00 p.m. - Summary Discussion (20 minutes)
All Participants
Last updated: November 19, 2019