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Partnerships and Engagement Officer

B.A. University of Delaware, 1997

M.A. The George Washington University, 2003


Christina R. Daulton is an Education Outreach Specialist at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in the Education and Community Involvement Branch. In her role, Ms. Daulton engages with multiple and diverse communities around the implications of genomics research, translates complex research and scientific concepts for the general public, and develops programs and initiatives in partnership with communities to encourage dialogue and learning about genomics and its accompanying ethical, legal and social issues.

Prior to joining NHGRI, Ms. Daulton worked for the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) in their Policy Research Center. In her work at NCAI, she served as the program manager of several projects that created curriculum, tools and research to assist American Indian and Alaska Native tribal leaders and their citizens to make more informed decisions about research, to better understand the benefits of research, and to regulate research and manage research partnerships in their communities. For more than a decade, Ms. Daulton was a researcher and policy analyst on higher education issues, mainly focusing on access and equity issues, including the contributions of minority-serving institutions to their communities.

Ms. Daulton earned her bachelor's degree in English education from the University of Delaware and her master's degree in American studies from The George Washington University, in Washington, D.C.

  • Biography

    Christina R. Daulton is an Education Outreach Specialist at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in the Education and Community Involvement Branch. In her role, Ms. Daulton engages with multiple and diverse communities around the implications of genomics research, translates complex research and scientific concepts for the general public, and develops programs and initiatives in partnership with communities to encourage dialogue and learning about genomics and its accompanying ethical, legal and social issues.

    Prior to joining NHGRI, Ms. Daulton worked for the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) in their Policy Research Center. In her work at NCAI, she served as the program manager of several projects that created curriculum, tools and research to assist American Indian and Alaska Native tribal leaders and their citizens to make more informed decisions about research, to better understand the benefits of research, and to regulate research and manage research partnerships in their communities. For more than a decade, Ms. Daulton was a researcher and policy analyst on higher education issues, mainly focusing on access and equity issues, including the contributions of minority-serving institutions to their communities.

    Ms. Daulton earned her bachelor's degree in English education from the University of Delaware and her master's degree in American studies from The George Washington University, in Washington, D.C.

Last updated: February 28, 2022